I'm preparing myself for 5 more weeks of pregnancy, in case my uterus is a lazy property manager and doesn't feel like vacating the premises until I'm 42 weeks. I am mostly effaced and 1 cm dilated and that means absolutely nothing, but I put that in there for inquiring minds.
Baby Jack is now about 5 1/2 - 6 pounds and super long and getting very squished. Uteri are generally amazing and well designed, but mine can only hold so much before it will expel you, little man. I have warned you. I am starting to worry about having a ginormous baby, since I feel humongous. Dan, who tends to be the most objective of the two of us, has said he estimates the baby to be about 5 1/2 pounds right now, and not to worry. He's an engineer, and right about everything 99.89% of the time, so I am trying to relax and realize that yeah, my body probably does know what it's doing.
Up until 3 days ago I was feeling very unready and almost unhappy about the fact that soon I will be so tired I won't even want to move, let alone do anything fun. And that probably 3 months of my life at least will run together and I might not even remember most of it. And that was ALL I was focusing on... And then I got convicted. And read my journal. Nothing puts your life and feelings into perspective like reminding yourself how badly you wanted what you now have been blessed with. I also just woke up Saturday morning with this "I'm having a baby, let's do this thing!" feeling which I can neither believe nor explain... I have heard this comes soon before labor, but I'm not sure if it really does or if it's just another of those things that may happen, may not, etc etc.
We went over the birth plan with Doc this last week and he is so laid back I want to cry. I was ready for a fight and instead we ended up laughing and quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail back and forth the entire appointment. I really only have 3 things I will go ape crazy on them if they try to violate. I do not want to be offered pain medication of any kind (because I will take it), they're not allowed to take Jack away from me (or Dan) anytime in the first hour after he's born (and/or before he has breastfed), and he will have absolutely no vaccines, bottles, or pacifiers for the duration of the hospital stay. Other than that, I'm pretty easy going... it's ape crazy or totally calm with me. Doc also said I could labor at home as long as I want (PRAISE JESUS), so my plan for staying home until I feel like I might die soon is a go even though I have way too many people freaking out that I might kill my child by not having him monitored from the minute I have the first contraction. That's a whole other blog post series right there. :)
We have everything we need for this little boy, and I can't wait for him to get here! I managed to make it all the way to 36 1/2 weeks before I got noticeably uncomfortable. If most women feel anything like I do this late in pregnancy, I'm pretty peeved almost every 9 month preggers gal I've ever known can only complain about how bad they feel. Uncomfortable, yes... amazing? Uh, YES. *Pregnancy rant over*
I am down and out a little more these days because my nesting drive is stronger than my drive to rest when my hips hurt, so I might be posting a little more these next few weeks until delivery. I specifically want to post a few of the nursery... SO cute. So, if you don't hear from me, you probably know where I am. That being either in the bathroom, or having a baby :)