Wednesday, September 21, 2011

*Insert Witty Title Here..."

Yes, time for another update. I should probably write about something else on this blog too, but for some reason I don't feel like people would be particularly interested in it...


Alrighty then, moving on.

Well, I went to see my new doc today. He's a real pal! I went in, had every vital known to man taken with the nurse, and then was shown to a very modern, calming waiting room to wait to speak with the doctor. Seriously, the room was nice. Vaulted ceilings, warm paint colors, book shelves as tall as the ceiling... fertility must be a booming business.

The doc came in and for the next 25 minutes Dan and I answered questions.

Yes, 25 minutes. He actually sat down and asked us questions for 25 minutes.


He asked everything from what diseases did my grandmother have to "what do YOU think the problem is?" to if I'd ever been pregnant before. He wins the prize for "most in-depth history taker."

Then he said it like it is. He said "We have two problems here which may or may not be related. You don't ovulate on your own for one. We're going to find out why, then we're going to find out what I can do to make you work. I'm going to make this my problem, so you stop charting, stop trying to time sex, and stop taking OPK's, and I'll tell you when to do what. The second problem is that you tend to miscarry once you do get pregnant. We need to figure out why, because there's no point in getting you pregnant when you might just miscarry."

After that, he took me straight to ultrasound. A rather uncomfortable ultrasound. And by uncomfortable I mean really freaking cold.

He looked at the screen for about 3 seconds before he told me that I have polycystic ovaries. Hmmm.... that's funny, because when I had an ultrasound done in April they told me I was fine. Now, polycystic ovaries are different than polycystic ovarian syndrome. I don't have any markers of the syndrome, which is very encouraging. Most likely the multiple cysts are due to my other doctor putting me on clomid for 3 cycles without monitoring me by ultrasound. After he said that he turned the screen around to me, and showed me what I was looking at. First of all, my ovaries are double the size they should be (Oh, yay! That's not the 5 pounds I gained that's making me look pregnant!). Second of all, there's literally about 20 eggs in my right ovary waiting to develop, and about 10 in my left ovary. This is good news. :)

So, that was the baseline ultrasound. Now, Dan has to have some tests run, I need to get my bloodwork back (which will take two weeks, because they took literally [I'm not exaggerating] 20 vials of blood from me this morning), and then I go back for another ultrasound. Then if everything looks good, I start back on the clomid, only this time with ultrasound monitoring everyday, and a trigger shot to time the exact hour that I ovulate.

Yes, the exact hour.

That's pretty awesome.

So, that's our story! Right now we're praying that Dan's test results come back good enough so that we don't have to go straight to IUI...because that would be really expensive.

Also, I have started praying veeeerrrryyyy specifically that if it's in the Lord's Will, that I would be pregnant by December. I also add in there "and while You're at it, if it could be twins, that would be really awesome...." I'd love it if you would pray with me.

I always like to add what I've learned in the last month... and truly, this last month, I've learned to be content, and I pray everyday that it will stick. I am so in love with my husband, I have a great house, I have a brand new car, I have awesome friends and family, and I have two little furbabies and one on the way. I have also learned that whatever I need, God will give to me. So if I don't have a baby right now, that means I don't need one!

I don't know too many people who can say this, but I am so thankful to be able to honestly tell you that I wouldn't change a thing. I've learned so much over the past 10 months, I can't imagine still being like I was in December. Praise the Lord for growing me!

So, from now on there will probably be more frequent updates, so stay tuned :)


Ash, Dan, and FBD

1 comment:

  1. I am praying "specifically" with you too. Love you guys!

