I have to tell you all the 'boring' stuff.
First, the pills they have me on are not, I REPEAT! NOT making me ill! This is a huge praise, because every other time I have taken multivitamins they never agreed with me. So, since I don't really have a choice in taking these ones, it's awesome that they aren't causing adverse side effects. The only thing I've really noticed is that I was a bit more tired than usual, but that is pretty much gone now.
Second, the Clomid also made me less ill this time around. I was on a lower dose, so that's probably why.
Third, definitely my ovaries are bigger. If you looked at my stomach you would ask me if I'd gained weight... or if I was 8 weeks pregnant. Your pick.
When I went to the doc on Wednesday, my ovaries were nice and huge... multiple follicles in each one and on my right side, one that was 18mm! Go ovaries! Go Clomid! So, Doc told me to go ahead and give myself the hCG trigger shot that night at 6 (which just so happened to be right before Wednesday night church, when I just so happen to be in the sound room). Dan rushed home from work to be able to give me the shot... cutie. :) This is what the shot looks like!

The needle is literally the size of a tic-tac, which, BTW, is so much smaller than what I THOUGHT it was going to be. Sometimes they trigger you with a 20 gage needle... in your butt... Lucky me I got the tic-tac kind :) I felt super nauseated for about 4 hours afterwards, but after that I was fine. Other than that, really just my typical early pregnancy symptoms. I can smell a lot better too, and almost threw up when I smelled a banana. I'm going to be the worst pregnant woman ever.
Well, there's two things I need to tell you in order for you to understand what I am about to show you. First, I AM NOT PREGNANT right now. Second, I am addicted to peeing on sticks. Yes, you read that right. I LOVE peeing on ovulation tests and pregnancy tests. It's like an adventure of finding out whats going on in your body. So, as you can imagine, considering they gave me a shot of the pregnancy hormone, I went a little crazy (and to be honest, still am going crazy) with the pee-sticks. To make a loooonnnggg story VERY short, LH (luteinizing hormone) is the hormone that makes you ovulate. You get a surge of this hormone 24 to 36 hours before you ovulate, and it prepares the egg to make it's appearance. Well, hCG (the pregnancy hormone) is the exact same hormone, except with a little 'beta' tag on the end of the protein structure that makes it. Well, ovulation tests test for LH, pregnancy tests test for hCG, so since LH is so similar to hCG, I wanted to see if an ovulation test would turn positive if I had the pregnancy hormone in my system. You can see the results for yourself!
*Green = Ovulation Test
*Pink = Pregnancy Test

Um, yeah, seems like the ovulation test is even more sensitive than the pregnancy test! So, while this is not a definite conclusion of pregnant vs. not pregnant (since some people get another LH surge right before their period), I think I'll be using OPK's for pregnancy tests for a while. 1, because they work. 2, because they are WAAAAYYYYY cheaper!
So, now that that's all cleared up...
Alllllll of my pills also came in this last week. There's a lot of them. I mean a LOT of them. I feel like an old person, and have been scouring garage sales on Saturday mornings for a pill box. I have to take massive, MASSIVE amounts of folic acid, B12, and B6. I have a prenatal with lots of folic acid, two pills of Folgard, which is my prescription amount of the folic acid, B6 and B12 (which, in case you're wondering, comes out to 4.4 MG of folic acid, 24 MG B12 and 12 MG B6. Recommended doses for pregnant women are 800 mcg - 1MG, 4MG, and 3MG, respectively), and 800 mcg of folate (the kind of folic acid I can actually use). Plus, did I mention I hate swallowing pills???
There they are, in all their glory. Add another to this, when I'm taking Clomid.
Left to right: Zinc, Folgard, folate, iron, prenatal, intestinal complex,
baby asprin (to thin blood), folate, Folgard.
Yeah, that's pretty intense, I know. I would rather have them put all that into a shot and take the shot, I really would. I'd pay big money for it too.
So, as of this morning (Friday) it's been about 45 hours since the shot and I do feel like I'm ovulating (if I'm not, I probably have appendicitis). According to Doc, we timed everything perfectly and have a good chance of getting pregnant this cycle (to which I add... Lord Willing. If there's one thing I learned, it's that no matter how far you go with doctors, they still aren't God and you aren't getting pregnant without God's help).
So far, so good! Now I'm sitting here praying my brains out for blessing on the spermies and my eggy... and for FBD. :) We've done all we can this cycle, so now we pray and we see what happens! I go next friday for a progesterone test to see if I have enough to sustain a pregnancy, and then on the 31st for a blood pregnancy test if I haven't already started by then.
And again, I really will be happy either way. I want to be in God's Will, because what He has is always best. If I don't get pregnant this month, I will know it's in my best interest. That's all! I don't want a baby now if that's not what He wants! It's pretty simple. I have the best husband in the world who is my best friend... we have so much fun and I can't even ask for anything else. I'm so happy right now I can barely stand it, and I'm so thankful. So, if I blog and say "We are not pregnant" let's not have any of the pity parties that people like to throw for infertile people... I really am happy and will be totally ecstatic if I am, if I'm not, I will be just as happy as I am now! No reason for a sad face! The only thing that makes me want to feel sorry for myself is when people say "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I know you're trying to be nice, but for real! I'm NOT sorry, why are you??? (I'm cracking myself up. Just thought you should know.)
So. We covet your prayers way more than anything else. I know there are so many of you praying for us already and I just have to say in every blog post THANK YOU SO MUCH! Gives new meaning to the verse "For this child I have prayed..." I have a bagillion people praying with me! Awesome. Just. Awesome. Gives me chills, it really does.
Later for now!
Ash, Dan, and FBD
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