You were rough to bring into the world but you are SO worth it to your mommy and daddy!
Chris had a rough pregnancy, to say the least. She was in a hospital in Denver for about two weeks before she finally made it to where they were comfortable sending her back to the hospital where her OB/GYN practiced. She had very low amniotic fluid, so she learned to get very good at putting the fetal heart monitor on herself. By the end of the hospital stay she probably could have been a practicing OB/GYN I think.
This day a year ago, I was on my way to coach my volleyball team when I FINALLY got a hold of Terry, her boyfriend. I had been trying to get a hold of them for several hours, since I hadn't been able to stop by for a few days. The first thing I hear on the phone is "she had the baby." No "Hi," "what's up" or "how's it going?".... I started to turn the car around and head back the direction of the hospital, but he started saying that she'd had to have a C-section, and that she was still in recovery. So we agreed I would come visit when my practice was over.
Later, I learned she'd tried to deliver him naturally, but was unsuccessful in progressing the way she needed to. After 12 hours of horrible back labor, they finally decided they would take her to have a C-section. A little bit later, Hayden Michael Kinser was born!
Here are some pictures of Chris and Terry throughout her pregnancy, and of Hayden up till now.
Chris and Terry's pregnancy pictures I took when she was almost 8 months pregnant.

They love each other!

She will kill me for saying this, but Chris is one of the strongest people I know. In a big way, this first birthday of your son is a testament to your tenacity and strength, to raise a son under less than ideal circumstances, when a LOT of people you knew left you stranded because they didn't agree with the choices you'd made, when you needed support from them the most. But you stood strong and didn't cave under the pressure to do what most teenaged girls in your position would do. Not only that, but you became a wonderful mom, who would do anything for her child and tries her best to care for him in the way that is right. You deserve a lot of respect on this day, too... so treat yourself to a piece of cake, a scoop of ice cream, and a kiss from your baby boy. I love you, and miss you all the way up north.
Happy birthday to Hayden, and happy being-a-wonderful-mother day to you, Chris. :)
That's a VERY nice tribute. Loved seeing the pics of him now! He's so big! I think he looks like his mama. :)