For the past three days I have been the most cranky, impatient, awful person to be around. I've been short, getting extremely annoyed at anything and everything, even if it's normally something that doesn't bother me, maybe I even think it's funny. But NO, not now, everything is aweful. It's not just with Dan either, today I got upset with my stairway for having too many spiderwebs on it. At the time, it seemed perfectly rational!!
I'm just now starting to really realize the wonders and extent of Dan's patience. But at the same time, it frustrates me! The more absurd I become, the quieter and more patient Dan'l becomes.
Somebody needs to tell Dan it's supposed to go the opposite way.
But, thankfully, it doesn't seem too hard for Dan to keep it up. It's just his personality. God's given him such a sweet and temperate spirit, and I'm thankful He gave the man I married that kind of durability. Goodness knows this isn't the last time this mental/emotional/hormonal breakdown will happen with me, and I know as long as I'm trying my best, Dan will be happy. He doesn't expect very much from me, and for that I'm thankful too.
God has given me a man who utterly surpasses all that I've ever needed. I don't deserve such a wonderful life partner, but God in His infinite grace has seen fit to bless me with someone who is after His own heart.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me Dan'l.

And, since I know this is inevitable...
No. I am not pregnant.
Aww what a great husband! I know exactly how you feel, because there have been so many times where I have acted the same way and my husband as been patient as well! How do they do it?? lol :)