Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Hovel

I *think* I am beginning to feel somewhat at home here. I always used to laugh at my mom when she would say she never wanted to move again because it's like a little birdie having her nest torn apart.'s NOT FUNNY!
So, here are the pictures of my new home. Finally fully furnished, pictures all hung up, the only thing missing: curtains. But those are expensive. They'll have to wait.
My poor, poor kitchen.

The Guest Bathroom

The Welcoming Guest Bedroom

Complete with Miniature Library

The living room and family room, from the kitchen

Dan and his usually wonderfully delicious self

The kitchen from the living room

We have a lot of people over, so we decided we need a lot of places for people to sit!

Well, that's not all of it, but that's most of it. :) I do want to say that I do NOT own pink couches, I own deep, dark, red, wonderful couches. Not pink couches. Also, I'm about to go make some Salmon, salad, and garlic bread for dinner tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm having salmon too, salad, and garlic bread too! It's like we're related or something. Heehee.

    And no ... it's nah funny!!! But you're doing a good job anyway. ;)
