Friday, September 24, 2010

The Inevitable Post

Well...I suppose it's time. For the post. You know.

The "how are you holding up in Florida all by your lonesome with no one except Dan in a brand new house with a brand new car" post.

And the answer, is I'm doing wonderful! ... Now.

It was really rough in the beginning for me. Moving into a house MUCH smaller than the one we had in GA, that house not feeling like home for a month, not having a car, and feeling like I'm not doing anything that will make a difference were all really hard for me. I was okay, because I am well aware we are in one of the best apartment complexes in Melbourne for our price range, I managed to keep myself busy around the house, and Dan is wonderful. (So wonderful, in fact, I think I have to write a blog post about him someday...) But the hardest thing is it just didn't feel like we fit in.

Both Dan and I have a lot of personality. Therefore, we have a hard time getting along with people who, shall we say.... don't. I, more than Dan, have a hard time with being friendly to people I see as fake. Dan can pretty much be friendly to anyone. I on the other hand, not so much, which is pretty snobby, but with much Bible and Jesus, I think I'm getting better.

Now, we've met people. Who DO have personality. And it's much more awesome than meeting people who don't. Like... a starbucks compared to shoveling cow manure, more awesome. And the people we've met are pretty awesome in themselves. As a matter of fact, we're stacked busy tonight! We've been invited over to our friends John and Mandi's house for game night, AND with the pastor's 6 kids to play volleyball in the church gym. (Meanwhile poor Dan got up at three this morning to go to work, and as I type is sleeping quite soundly in his room). We're being showered with love.

Now, I also have a car, which makes me feel better about just about everything, and I feel much better about my purpose in life right now. It's been quite the lesson in learning what God's will for me is, especially since I came here 'guns blazin'" with the idea that I needed to get a job right away. Obviously that wasn't God's plan, because here I am, perfectly happy and content having a clean house and being here when Dan comes home, so I can peek around the bedroom door and run towards him, and we can play our daily round of tag as he runs away from me. The little booger.

So, yes. I am doing wonderful. It wasn't always that way here, but I do enjoy Florida, the beach, the lake in my apartment complex, and the workout room. But honestly, most of all, I love being with Dan, being his wife, and the two of us growing together. That's what makes home, home, anyway, right?

Mmmhhmm, I think so. :)


  1. Sounds an awful lot like learning to be content. :)) Glad you are feeling better about your life. Now I will feel better about your life too. :-D


  2. I really love this post. It's hard being a military wife, moving around starting over from scratch, and you had many of the same thoughts and feelings I had when we moved to GA a year and a half ago. I am glad things are getting better for you! Hope you find a job too!

  3. Thanks guys, I loved this post too! haha Praying for you Kathryn!
