I feel the need to post a random update on my life. This will be entirely random, so fasten your seatbelts and prepare for the post an English teacher would love to see from the kid she's wanted to fail all year.
1. Today, I bought candles. TWO candles. They're orange, and I love them. The post title is mostly referring to these bodacious little (and big) guys. I got a really big one that I have to use two hands to carry for $4.17 at Hobby Lobby (oh, how I love that place), and a tall, skinnier one for $7.99 at World Market. The tall skinny one is Larry, and the short fat one is Bob. In reference to my uncles, and to Veggie Tales. Larry is scented "mexican pumpkin" and smells exactly like fresh baked pumpkin pie (which is why I've wanted it for the last three weeks) (and yes, Boyettes, you know which one I'm talking about), and Bob smells like fall...like, how outside smells like in fall. I didn't think it was possible, but it's happened. And now, my home no longer smells like a nursing home.
2. I made Dan breakfast in bed today. This would, for an ordinary, non-narcoleptic person, be less significant than I am putting it off to be. But this. is. huge. HUGE! I got up at 6:30 today, for no other reason than I just wasn't tired anymore. This. never. happens. On a normal day I sleep till 9, and still have to drag myself out of bed. But not today. No, my fellow readers, not today. I got up, slapped some bacon in the pan, nearly set the smoke alarm off (which wouldn't have been near as pleasant for Dan to wake up to as the smell of delicious, metabolism enhancing breakfast in bed), made some eggs with cheese, and popped some toast in the toaster. 15 minutes later, Dan was basking in the glory of memory foam bed, a delicious breakfast, and good morning kisses from his wife. Ahhh, yes, my good wife quota has been filled for the day (JOKING).
3. My Dan's shoulder is broken. Well, actually dislocated, but it's still aweful. I'm used to being the crippled one, so this has been a steep learning curve. But, as aweful as it sounds, I'm glad it happened. It's given us some quality alone time, AND given me a glimpse of what retirement will be (minus limp arm on Dan, of course.)
4. I FINALLY finished editing all our wedding pictures. If I do say so myself, you can see a huge difference in editing technique and quality from the beginning to the end. BUT, that could be me ;) Either way, it's nice to be done, and just in time for my bookings in Georgia Thanksgiving weekend.
5. I get to spend Thanksgiving weekend with my second favorite family in the whole entire WORLD, my mom away from home, my sisters away from home (which include Audrey as well), my good friends, Elijah, Ethan, and Marc. LOVE. Love love love. All of 'em. Just wanna HUG 'EM ALL!!!!...okay, going a little overboard, but I seriously love them, can't WAIT!
6. Dan got me an early Christmas present this year...for our first christmas together, he got me a...
Psych. Can't tell you yet. A few people know. But I'm not allowed to post on FB what is is yet (or on anywhere, really), until it gets here on Thursday. Ahhh, I can feel the anticipation in the room. The adrenaline! I know you all are feeling it as much as I am. I KNOW it. Right?? Ahem...
7. Dan and I are starting a Bible study. And I'm for reals excited about it. More details to come later, but here's one of the things I'm most excited about the whole thing... I love to hear Dan teach. There's just something about it. Kind of like there something about dancing with him, kind of like there's something about making him breakfast in bed, kinda like there's just something I love when I hear him sing. He's a mentor and teacher at his innermost parts. He can gain people's trust like nobody's biznazz. I may be a little biased, but just cause I love his every little part doesn't mean I can't see him for who he truly is :)
8. This is Dan and I's first holiday season as married people, and I don't think I've ever been more excited about holidays. Ever. For several reasons, at least one of which is a surprise. There's family, food, vacation, fellowship, reunition (not a word, I know...work with me), and presents, and my Jesus' birthday, and turkey. Who could want anything more?
9. I have been learning/reinforcing something very simple in my life. I'm re-learning how to make doing what's right my motivation for everything. Even if it makes no sense to me. I have the Holy Spirit within me, and He will tell me what I need to know. My mother-in-law, Jan, is a perfect example of this to me. She packed up and moved from Kansas to Colorado, with no assurance that she'd be okay from a logical standpoint (secure job, housing, etc), and no grasp on reason, except she just felt the Lord wanted her to be there. What faith!!! Plus, she's a darn good mother in law, and I love her bunches.
10. Confession: I haven't worked out in probably reeeeaaallly close to a month. *shame*
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thank God for Tasty Bubbles and Taylor Marie...
It's girls like Taylor who give me the feeling that there is yet hope for the teenaged girls of this world! She's level-headed, strong in her beliefs, doesn't let herself get pushed around, yet gentle and wouldn't hurt a fly. She's not boycrazy, either, and that refreshes my soul.
We're also kindred spirits...we dislike and like so many of the same things you'd think we had the same mother. But the best thing about Taylor is that she's comfortable in her own skin. She knows she's beautiful, but knows how to be graceful, not "flaunt what she's got." She's quite the gal, if you ask me. I consider her one of my best friends. SOOO, when Audrey (her mom) asked me to do her senior pictures, I was pretty excited. Being that Taylor's gorgeous in every way, and then her extreme photogenic skills (which she would promptly deny, if you ask her), equals best photoshoot of my life, hands down. And I've had my fair share!
Audrey came along to be our 'light catcher." She held the reflectors juuussstt right so the light would shine on Taylor's beautifullness. She quickly became obsessed... every snip of light was something to be caught and reflected, and Taylor and I were snickering at her chasing light down hills and around tombstones with all abandon. And when I say all, I mean all.
Taylor added her own spice to the mix as well. As well as being a senior, a mother (to her doggie daughter, Sasha), and a best friend, she's gangstah.

Every few pictures while shooting, I would say "Okay, be Taylor!" and she would do things like this. Goof.

Those are just a few of my favorites. LOVE you Taylor, and all your goofiness and lovliness and sweetness. :)
We're also kindred spirits...we dislike and like so many of the same things you'd think we had the same mother. But the best thing about Taylor is that she's comfortable in her own skin. She knows she's beautiful, but knows how to be graceful, not "flaunt what she's got." She's quite the gal, if you ask me. I consider her one of my best friends. SOOO, when Audrey (her mom) asked me to do her senior pictures, I was pretty excited. Being that Taylor's gorgeous in every way, and then her extreme photogenic skills (which she would promptly deny, if you ask her), equals best photoshoot of my life, hands down. And I've had my fair share!
Audrey came along to be our 'light catcher." She held the reflectors juuussstt right so the light would shine on Taylor's beautifullness. She quickly became obsessed... every snip of light was something to be caught and reflected, and Taylor and I were snickering at her chasing light down hills and around tombstones with all abandon. And when I say all, I mean all.

Those are just a few of my favorites. LOVE you Taylor, and all your goofiness and lovliness and sweetness. :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Inevitable Post
Well...I suppose it's time. For the post. You know.
The "how are you holding up in Florida all by your lonesome with no one except Dan in a brand new house with a brand new car" post.
And the answer, is I'm doing wonderful! ... Now.
It was really rough in the beginning for me. Moving into a house MUCH smaller than the one we had in GA, that house not feeling like home for a month, not having a car, and feeling like I'm not doing anything that will make a difference were all really hard for me. I was okay, because I am well aware we are in one of the best apartment complexes in Melbourne for our price range, I managed to keep myself busy around the house, and Dan is wonderful. (So wonderful, in fact, I think I have to write a blog post about him someday...) But the hardest thing is it just didn't feel like we fit in.
Both Dan and I have a lot of personality. Therefore, we have a hard time getting along with people who, shall we say.... don't. I, more than Dan, have a hard time with being friendly to people I see as fake. Dan can pretty much be friendly to anyone. I on the other hand, not so much, which is pretty snobby, but with much Bible and Jesus, I think I'm getting better.
Now, we've met people. Who DO have personality. And it's much more awesome than meeting people who don't. Like... a starbucks compared to shoveling cow manure, more awesome. And the people we've met are pretty awesome in themselves. As a matter of fact, we're stacked busy tonight! We've been invited over to our friends John and Mandi's house for game night, AND with the pastor's 6 kids to play volleyball in the church gym. (Meanwhile poor Dan got up at three this morning to go to work, and as I type is sleeping quite soundly in his room). We're being showered with love.
Now, I also have a car, which makes me feel better about just about everything, and I feel much better about my purpose in life right now. It's been quite the lesson in learning what God's will for me is, especially since I came here 'guns blazin'" with the idea that I needed to get a job right away. Obviously that wasn't God's plan, because here I am, perfectly happy and content having a clean house and being here when Dan comes home, so I can peek around the bedroom door and run towards him, and we can play our daily round of tag as he runs away from me. The little booger.
So, yes. I am doing wonderful. It wasn't always that way here, but I do enjoy Florida, the beach, the lake in my apartment complex, and the workout room. But honestly, most of all, I love being with Dan, being his wife, and the two of us growing together. That's what makes home, home, anyway, right?
Mmmhhmm, I think so. :)
The "how are you holding up in Florida all by your lonesome with no one except Dan in a brand new house with a brand new car" post.
And the answer, is I'm doing wonderful! ... Now.
It was really rough in the beginning for me. Moving into a house MUCH smaller than the one we had in GA, that house not feeling like home for a month, not having a car, and feeling like I'm not doing anything that will make a difference were all really hard for me. I was okay, because I am well aware we are in one of the best apartment complexes in Melbourne for our price range, I managed to keep myself busy around the house, and Dan is wonderful. (So wonderful, in fact, I think I have to write a blog post about him someday...) But the hardest thing is it just didn't feel like we fit in.
Both Dan and I have a lot of personality. Therefore, we have a hard time getting along with people who, shall we say.... don't. I, more than Dan, have a hard time with being friendly to people I see as fake. Dan can pretty much be friendly to anyone. I on the other hand, not so much, which is pretty snobby, but with much Bible and Jesus, I think I'm getting better.
Now, we've met people. Who DO have personality. And it's much more awesome than meeting people who don't. Like... a starbucks compared to shoveling cow manure, more awesome. And the people we've met are pretty awesome in themselves. As a matter of fact, we're stacked busy tonight! We've been invited over to our friends John and Mandi's house for game night, AND with the pastor's 6 kids to play volleyball in the church gym. (Meanwhile poor Dan got up at three this morning to go to work, and as I type is sleeping quite soundly in his room). We're being showered with love.
Now, I also have a car, which makes me feel better about just about everything, and I feel much better about my purpose in life right now. It's been quite the lesson in learning what God's will for me is, especially since I came here 'guns blazin'" with the idea that I needed to get a job right away. Obviously that wasn't God's plan, because here I am, perfectly happy and content having a clean house and being here when Dan comes home, so I can peek around the bedroom door and run towards him, and we can play our daily round of tag as he runs away from me. The little booger.
So, yes. I am doing wonderful. It wasn't always that way here, but I do enjoy Florida, the beach, the lake in my apartment complex, and the workout room. But honestly, most of all, I love being with Dan, being his wife, and the two of us growing together. That's what makes home, home, anyway, right?
Mmmhhmm, I think so. :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
The future colors of the Dashlee home
Well, obviously I can't paint an apartment. Well...I can, it would just be useless.
ANYWAY...I'm inspired. When we get a house down here when our house sells, these are the colors you will see when you come visit us. Notice the when, and that it is not an 'if.' :)
The camera distorts the colors a little bit, but you'll get the general idea.

These are the Master bathroom colors. Probably my favorite color panel besides the living room, and I can see myself changing this to the master bedroom on 'accident.' The walls will be the cream color, and the accents will be chocolate and both these blues. The theme is 'modern circles.'

This will be the guest bathroom....BAD camera. I tried to tweak it on photoshop but alas, it was useless. The walls will be the coffee color, which is alot more tan and alot less yellow than the picture. The accents will be chocolate and a very warm teal color. NOT green. :)

And, again, one of my favorites...the walls will be the same color as the guest bathroom, the coffee color. And the accents will be cream and chocolate, and a tiny little bit of burnt orange. Just a TINY bit.

The kitchen and the dining room I couldn't show you because one of the colors is metallic. Spicy, I know, but I think it'll look good. I'm going to paint a burnt red on the walls, and then sponge a metallic copper over it. Gives it a very textured look and goes perfectly with the theme I picked for pictures; black and white cities. Our dishes are black and white, so I need pictures to match them. ;) Plus....anyone can take good black and white pictures.
If anyone has experience decorating in a modern style...throw it at me. I love the way it looks, I just don't have ANY experience with it. I grew up country...very different than modern, so it's making it quite a challenge for me to come up with accessories that match the color scheme.
Now for a nice cup of hot green tea.
ANYWAY...I'm inspired. When we get a house down here when our house sells, these are the colors you will see when you come visit us. Notice the when, and that it is not an 'if.' :)
The camera distorts the colors a little bit, but you'll get the general idea.
This is the living room. The walls will be grayish blue, and the accents will be cream, crimson, and black.
This will be the master bedroom colors. The camera really did not pic up the green color well, it's a much softer jade color. That jade color will be on the walls (maybe not all of them, I haven't decided whether to do an accent wall or not). The accent colors will be crimson (like our bed cover), black, and cream.
These are the Master bathroom colors. Probably my favorite color panel besides the living room, and I can see myself changing this to the master bedroom on 'accident.' The walls will be the cream color, and the accents will be chocolate and both these blues. The theme is 'modern circles.'
This will be the guest bathroom....BAD camera. I tried to tweak it on photoshop but alas, it was useless. The walls will be the coffee color, which is alot more tan and alot less yellow than the picture. The accents will be chocolate and a very warm teal color. NOT green. :)
And, again, one of my favorites...the walls will be the same color as the guest bathroom, the coffee color. And the accents will be cream and chocolate, and a tiny little bit of burnt orange. Just a TINY bit.
The kitchen and the dining room I couldn't show you because one of the colors is metallic. Spicy, I know, but I think it'll look good. I'm going to paint a burnt red on the walls, and then sponge a metallic copper over it. Gives it a very textured look and goes perfectly with the theme I picked for pictures; black and white cities. Our dishes are black and white, so I need pictures to match them. ;) Plus....anyone can take good black and white pictures.
If anyone has experience decorating in a modern style...throw it at me. I love the way it looks, I just don't have ANY experience with it. I grew up country...very different than modern, so it's making it quite a challenge for me to come up with accessories that match the color scheme.
Now for a nice cup of hot green tea.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Meet Veronica
The very, VERY expensive Veronica.
Turns out she wasn't exactly as cheap as we thought she was. However, we're still getting a good deal on her. She runs good, especially now that we just poured 700 bucks into her to get the water pump and the coolant system working correctly. Now, all she needs are brakes! ...and a ball joint, and the A/C needs replaced, and a new steering wheel cover. But we can baby step all that, and for now, she'll get me to and fro.
Plus...she's DANG sexy.
SO! Meet Veronica!

Hopefully, I will have many more stories to share that involve Veronica...I don't like to pour money into something and then have it go bonkers on me ;)
Turns out she wasn't exactly as cheap as we thought she was. However, we're still getting a good deal on her. She runs good, especially now that we just poured 700 bucks into her to get the water pump and the coolant system working correctly. Now, all she needs are brakes! ...and a ball joint, and the A/C needs replaced, and a new steering wheel cover. But we can baby step all that, and for now, she'll get me to and fro.
Plus...she's DANG sexy.
SO! Meet Veronica!

Hopefully, I will have many more stories to share that involve Veronica...I don't like to pour money into something and then have it go bonkers on me ;)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Special Things...
There are a lot of things I find special to me. Like my Bible Dan got me this last weekend. My husband. My family. My new couches that I like to take naps and read my Bible on. My kitties, and my gecko babies outside (So far there's Laura, who hangs out in our porch lamp, Mongo, the bronco gecko, and several others who live in the bushes, like George, Hubert, Liam, and Nelson).
But... I really like fancy dates. They're pretty special. Like the one me and Dan went on yesterday! Dan got to come home early at around lunch time, so that was nice. We pretty much hung out and got groceries. Then Dan was tired from early P.T. so I decided to let him nap, while I watched a show I recently found out I love: 4 Weddings.
When Dan woke up we decided it was time to get dressed. SO I started getting dressed, but Dan said "Let's not get dressed until the very end so it's a surprise." I thought that would be fun...so off I went to do my makeup (fard, as Dan calls it), hair, etc, and Dan sprayed on his cologne. That I LOVE. It reminds me of the first time I hugged him at the airport, the VERY first time I saw him in person as a couple. Mhhhmm.
Finally, we were all dressed, so I said "Are you ready?" and he said "As ready as I'll ever be!" So I came out of the bathroom and he came out of the bedroom, and we stared at each other and our mouths dropped. He had the butt of a god, and I had the figure of a greek goddess...or something. So then we got in the car, and went to TEXAS ROADHOUSE!
Nobody knows the goodness of a steak until they have a texas roadhouse steak. It's the only thing I've seriously wondered if it will be in Heaven. So we ate. And ate. And ate some more. We ate. Alot.
And then, we drove back to Ross. My favorite clothing store, and the one here is HUGHNORMOUS. Gihormough. And I love it.
Anyway, without further delay....here are pictures for you to enjoy. :) They are in backwards order, because...because that's how they uploaded. And I don't know how to fix it.

Moral of the story: I love my husband. And dates are important, even when you've only been married for six months. And, since tonight is my parents date for their 21st anniversary, they obviously are when you're old, too.
Just Kidding. LOVE YOU MOM! :)
But... I really like fancy dates. They're pretty special. Like the one me and Dan went on yesterday! Dan got to come home early at around lunch time, so that was nice. We pretty much hung out and got groceries. Then Dan was tired from early P.T. so I decided to let him nap, while I watched a show I recently found out I love: 4 Weddings.
When Dan woke up we decided it was time to get dressed. SO I started getting dressed, but Dan said "Let's not get dressed until the very end so it's a surprise." I thought that would be fun...so off I went to do my makeup (fard, as Dan calls it), hair, etc, and Dan sprayed on his cologne. That I LOVE. It reminds me of the first time I hugged him at the airport, the VERY first time I saw him in person as a couple. Mhhhmm.
Finally, we were all dressed, so I said "Are you ready?" and he said "As ready as I'll ever be!" So I came out of the bathroom and he came out of the bedroom, and we stared at each other and our mouths dropped. He had the butt of a god, and I had the figure of a greek goddess...or something. So then we got in the car, and went to TEXAS ROADHOUSE!
Nobody knows the goodness of a steak until they have a texas roadhouse steak. It's the only thing I've seriously wondered if it will be in Heaven. So we ate. And ate. And ate some more. We ate. Alot.
And then, we drove back to Ross. My favorite clothing store, and the one here is HUGHNORMOUS. Gihormough. And I love it.
Anyway, without further delay....here are pictures for you to enjoy. :) They are in backwards order, because...because that's how they uploaded. And I don't know how to fix it.
Moral of the story: I love my husband. And dates are important, even when you've only been married for six months. And, since tonight is my parents date for their 21st anniversary, they obviously are when you're old, too.
Just Kidding. LOVE YOU MOM! :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Hovel
I *think* I am beginning to feel somewhat at home here. I always used to laugh at my mom when she would say she never wanted to move again because it's like a little birdie having her nest torn apart. Ahem...it's NOT FUNNY!
So, here are the pictures of my new home. Finally fully furnished, pictures all hung up, the only thing missing: curtains. But those are expensive. They'll have to wait.

Well, that's not all of it, but that's most of it. :) I do want to say that I do NOT own pink couches, I own deep, dark, red, wonderful couches. Not pink couches. Also, I'm about to go make some Salmon, salad, and garlic bread for dinner tonight.
So, here are the pictures of my new home. Finally fully furnished, pictures all hung up, the only thing missing: curtains. But those are expensive. They'll have to wait.
My poor, poor kitchen.
Dan and his usually wonderfully delicious self
Well, that's not all of it, but that's most of it. :) I do want to say that I do NOT own pink couches, I own deep, dark, red, wonderful couches. Not pink couches. Also, I'm about to go make some Salmon, salad, and garlic bread for dinner tonight.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Wonders of a Patient Husband
My poor husband.
For the past three days I have been the most cranky, impatient, awful person to be around. I've been short, getting extremely annoyed at anything and everything, even if it's normally something that doesn't bother me, maybe I even think it's funny. But NO, not now, everything is aweful. It's not just with Dan either, today I got upset with my stairway for having too many spiderwebs on it. At the time, it seemed perfectly rational!!
I'm just now starting to really realize the wonders and extent of Dan's patience. But at the same time, it frustrates me! The more absurd I become, the quieter and more patient Dan'l becomes.
Somebody needs to tell Dan it's supposed to go the opposite way.
But, thankfully, it doesn't seem too hard for Dan to keep it up. It's just his personality. God's given him such a sweet and temperate spirit, and I'm thankful He gave the man I married that kind of durability. Goodness knows this isn't the last time this mental/emotional/hormonal breakdown will happen with me, and I know as long as I'm trying my best, Dan will be happy. He doesn't expect very much from me, and for that I'm thankful too.
God has given me a man who utterly surpasses all that I've ever needed. I don't deserve such a wonderful life partner, but God in His infinite grace has seen fit to bless me with someone who is after His own heart.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me Dan'l.

And, since I know this is inevitable...
No. I am not pregnant.
For the past three days I have been the most cranky, impatient, awful person to be around. I've been short, getting extremely annoyed at anything and everything, even if it's normally something that doesn't bother me, maybe I even think it's funny. But NO, not now, everything is aweful. It's not just with Dan either, today I got upset with my stairway for having too many spiderwebs on it. At the time, it seemed perfectly rational!!
I'm just now starting to really realize the wonders and extent of Dan's patience. But at the same time, it frustrates me! The more absurd I become, the quieter and more patient Dan'l becomes.
Somebody needs to tell Dan it's supposed to go the opposite way.
But, thankfully, it doesn't seem too hard for Dan to keep it up. It's just his personality. God's given him such a sweet and temperate spirit, and I'm thankful He gave the man I married that kind of durability. Goodness knows this isn't the last time this mental/emotional/hormonal breakdown will happen with me, and I know as long as I'm trying my best, Dan will be happy. He doesn't expect very much from me, and for that I'm thankful too.
God has given me a man who utterly surpasses all that I've ever needed. I don't deserve such a wonderful life partner, but God in His infinite grace has seen fit to bless me with someone who is after His own heart.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me Dan'l.

And, since I know this is inevitable...
No. I am not pregnant.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Hayden!
Happy Birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Hayden, happy birthday to you!
You were rough to bring into the world but you are SO worth it to your mommy and daddy!
Chris had a rough pregnancy, to say the least. She was in a hospital in Denver for about two weeks before she finally made it to where they were comfortable sending her back to the hospital where her OB/GYN practiced. She had very low amniotic fluid, so she learned to get very good at putting the fetal heart monitor on herself. By the end of the hospital stay she probably could have been a practicing OB/GYN I think.
This day a year ago, I was on my way to coach my volleyball team when I FINALLY got a hold of Terry, her boyfriend. I had been trying to get a hold of them for several hours, since I hadn't been able to stop by for a few days. The first thing I hear on the phone is "she had the baby." No "Hi," "what's up" or "how's it going?".... I started to turn the car around and head back the direction of the hospital, but he started saying that she'd had to have a C-section, and that she was still in recovery. So we agreed I would come visit when my practice was over.
Later, I learned she'd tried to deliver him naturally, but was unsuccessful in progressing the way she needed to. After 12 hours of horrible back labor, they finally decided they would take her to have a C-section. A little bit later, Hayden Michael Kinser was born!
Here are some pictures of Chris and Terry throughout her pregnancy, and of Hayden up till now.

She will kill me for saying this, but Chris is one of the strongest people I know. In a big way, this first birthday of your son is a testament to your tenacity and strength, to raise a son under less than ideal circumstances, when a LOT of people you knew left you stranded because they didn't agree with the choices you'd made, when you needed support from them the most. But you stood strong and didn't cave under the pressure to do what most teenaged girls in your position would do. Not only that, but you became a wonderful mom, who would do anything for her child and tries her best to care for him in the way that is right. You deserve a lot of respect on this day, too... so treat yourself to a piece of cake, a scoop of ice cream, and a kiss from your baby boy. I love you, and miss you all the way up north.
Happy birthday to Hayden, and happy being-a-wonderful-mother day to you, Chris. :)
You were rough to bring into the world but you are SO worth it to your mommy and daddy!
Chris had a rough pregnancy, to say the least. She was in a hospital in Denver for about two weeks before she finally made it to where they were comfortable sending her back to the hospital where her OB/GYN practiced. She had very low amniotic fluid, so she learned to get very good at putting the fetal heart monitor on herself. By the end of the hospital stay she probably could have been a practicing OB/GYN I think.
This day a year ago, I was on my way to coach my volleyball team when I FINALLY got a hold of Terry, her boyfriend. I had been trying to get a hold of them for several hours, since I hadn't been able to stop by for a few days. The first thing I hear on the phone is "she had the baby." No "Hi," "what's up" or "how's it going?".... I started to turn the car around and head back the direction of the hospital, but he started saying that she'd had to have a C-section, and that she was still in recovery. So we agreed I would come visit when my practice was over.
Later, I learned she'd tried to deliver him naturally, but was unsuccessful in progressing the way she needed to. After 12 hours of horrible back labor, they finally decided they would take her to have a C-section. A little bit later, Hayden Michael Kinser was born!
Here are some pictures of Chris and Terry throughout her pregnancy, and of Hayden up till now.
Chris and Terry's pregnancy pictures I took when she was almost 8 months pregnant.

They love each other!

She will kill me for saying this, but Chris is one of the strongest people I know. In a big way, this first birthday of your son is a testament to your tenacity and strength, to raise a son under less than ideal circumstances, when a LOT of people you knew left you stranded because they didn't agree with the choices you'd made, when you needed support from them the most. But you stood strong and didn't cave under the pressure to do what most teenaged girls in your position would do. Not only that, but you became a wonderful mom, who would do anything for her child and tries her best to care for him in the way that is right. You deserve a lot of respect on this day, too... so treat yourself to a piece of cake, a scoop of ice cream, and a kiss from your baby boy. I love you, and miss you all the way up north.
Happy birthday to Hayden, and happy being-a-wonderful-mother day to you, Chris. :)
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